I was ten years old. It was only a few weeks before Christmas when my dad, who had been sick, called me over to the living room couch and pulled me right next to him. I did not completely understand what was going on, but he hugged me tightly and told me he was going away. He said, “I want you to be very good and make sure you obey Mom! I love you more than you know! I want you to grow up to be a good man.” As I hugged his neck for the last time, I whispered, “I love you too Dad!” Little did I know that was the last time I would talk to my dad.
Christmas was now just two days away. School was on break for the holiday, all my friends were spending time with their families excited about the upcoming Christmas Day. That morning my mom received a phone call from the City of Hope, my Dad was gone. The next time I saw my dad he was lying in a coffin.
Why do bad things happen? Why do people suffer? Why is there sickness, abuse and tragedy in this world? I’d like to share with you a few biblical answers to these tough questions.
Our World is in Rebellion to God
Romans 5:12 assures us that mankind allowed sin to enter into this world. When sin entered, death came in by sin. All the grief, all the destruction, all the hatred, bitterness, and death that is in the world was invited into the world by the first man, Adam, who deliberately disobeyed God.
We Are All Sinners
Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” The answer to the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” is simply there are no good people. All of us sin, and we all suffer the consequences of sin.
Man Has a Free Will
Galatians 6:7 tells us that we will reap what we sow. When we, of our own free will, choose to do that which is contrary to the will of God or His principles of life, we bring negative consequences into our lives. Now I know that you are thinking, “But I’m trying to do what is right. I’ve surrendered to the will of God.” And that’s good, but that doesn’t remove us from this present world. We are still in a fallen world and surrounded by sin.
God Uses Trials to Develop Our Character
Romans 5:3-5 says, “…knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Trials and tribulations in our lives are used by God to develop His character in us. Which brings us to the next point.
God Uses Good and Bad Things in Our Life to Conform Us to His Image
Romans 8:28-29 reminds us that God works all things together “both good and bad” for our good and to conform us to the image of His Son. I may not like the pressure that is put on my life, but God put it there so I might become more like Jesus.
Affliction Allows Me to Become Empathetic Towards Others That I Might Comfort Them When They Are Hurting
II Corinthians 1:4 makes it clear that I am able to comfort others effectively when I have experienced God’s comfort during my time of affliction.
Trials Keep Me Dependent Upon God
The psalmist says, “before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy Word.” Psalm 119:67. Trials will keep me on the right path honoring God with my life. I will not make the mistakes I would have otherwise made.
Through Afflictions I Experience the Grace of God
The apostle Paul asked God to take away a physical affliction three times. God’s response was my grace is sufficient for you. God wants to show His glory and His strength through our weakness. Paul said that thought made him glad. Our God is in control and He uses even the bad for his glory in our lives. Trust Him.
I don’t know the deep hurt you’ve experienced but there is real purpose in your pain. Though I wish had a little more time with my dad here on earth, God has used this trial and turned it into more blessings than I could ever imagine. The Lord has allowed me to come along side countless families in their grief as they mourn the death of a loved one. I’ve been able to assure those who have lost a father that God truly does become the Father to the fatherless. Whatever you are going through, continually lean on Him, trust Him and let His glory shine through the bad situation, giving the praise to the One who allows good to come out of bad situations.